


新闻传播学部 传播研究院 非洲传媒研究中心 邀请英国牛津大学Iginio Gagliardone 博士以“非洲传播中的权力转移”为主题举办学术讲座。

题目:Shifting power in African communication: new players, new media, new paradigms





Iginio Gagliardone博士简历

      Dr Iginio Gagliardone is British Academy Research Fellow at the UniversityofOxfordand a member of the Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy. His research and publications focus on media and political change, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa, and on the emergence of distinctive models of the information society around the globe. His current research projects explore the role of emerging powers such as China in promoting alternative conceptions of the Internet in Africa and how Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are supporting (or challenging) processes of state and nation building in Eastern Africa. He completed his PhD at the London School of Economics and Political Science, investigating the relationship between development and destabilization in Ethiopia. He is also Research Associate of the Centre of Governance and Human Rights at the University of Cambridge and of the Centre for Global Communication Studies (CGCS), Annenberg School of Communication, University of Pennsylvania.
