1. 媒体报道中的中国与非洲
2. 中非媒体发展研究
3. 中非软实力建设与公共外交研究
4. 中非电信发展与合作
5. 中非跨文化传播
2. 英文内容摘要:英文300~500个词;
1. 截稿日期:2015年5月20日。
2. 会议工作语言为英语,请提交英文摘要或论文;
4. 参会论文将在会议结束后择优出版。
主办单位: 中国传媒大学新闻传播学部
通讯地址:北京市朝阳区定福庄东街1号 中国传媒大学传播研究院
邮箱: xueluo@cuc.edu.cn电话:010-65783690 传真:010-65783689
新闻传播学部 传播研究院
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InternationalConference on China-Africa Communications
Organized by: The AfricaCommunication Research Center (ACRC)
Institute of Communication Studies
Faculty of Journalism and Communication
Communication University of China(CUC))
Beijing, China
Date: 12-13 June, 2015
· Call for Papers
The Africa Communication Research Center (ACRC) is pleased toannounce the Call for Papers for the International Round Table Conference onChina-Africa Communications. The Conference will consist of a mix of plenaryand parallel sessions running from 12-13th June 2015 at the CommunicationUniversity of China (CUC), Beijing, China.
In the spirit of interdisciplinary interchange, theconference will address and offer a comprehensive overview of keycommunications issues between the China and African Countries. Main speakerswill include well-known leading scholars and innovators in China-Africa mediaand communication research as well as researchers, journalists, andcommunication practitioners, working in a broad range of areas includingcommunication studies, journalism, education, cross-cultural communication, publicdiplomacyand other areas related to the theme of the conference.
Topics include, but arenot limited to:
· Media coverage on China and Africa;
· Chinese and African media development;
· Chinese and African soft power and public diplomacy;
· Cooperation and development of Chinese and Africantelecommunication;
· Cross-cultural communication between China and Africa;
· Conference Aims
Relationsbetween China and Africa which date back to centuries have gained momentum overthe years and the establishment of this planned Round Table on China-AfricaConference echoes the strategic partnerships. This upcoming conference onChina-Africa Communications Research broadly aims to explore the role andpotentiality of media and public diplomacy in China-Africa relations. As wellas contributing to the communication on China-Africa in a global and localcontext, it seeks to provide a consolidated and focused forum for academic workthat engages with, and invigorates wide-ranging studies on China-Africacommunications research.
· Registration
We encourage completed papers but also acceptworks-in-progress papers and abstracts reflecting a range of theoretical andpractical perspectives on China and Africa communication. No fee is requiredfor the registration.
The following materials should be sent to Dr. Luo Xue at xueluo@cuc.edu.cn by 20 th of May 2015. Thenotification of paper acceptance will be 25th of May 2015.
· Maximum length of the abstract should be 300-500 words.
· Manuscripts must be prepared using Microsoft Word andsubmitted electronically in APA format.
· Biographical information consisting of organization orinstitution, position or title within the organization/institution and shortstatement of interests.
· Conference Information
· Conference Working Language: English.
· Conference Venue: Conference hall at thelibrary of CUC.
· Conference Accommodation: International Center,CUC.
Address: No.1 East Street, Dingfuzhuang, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China.
African Communication Research Center(ACRC) is established inDecember 2012 by the Communication University of China (CUC) to provide anacademic hub for research and cooperation in China-Africa communication arena,including the sponsorship of a wide variety of activities that bring togetherinterested faculty and students from a large number of academic disciplines andcultural perspectives, partnering with African universities, interestedresearch organizations and a wide variety of media in Africa. The Center isdevoted to publications and consultations which develop and evaluate not onlytheory-based, culturally sensitive, and developmentally academic workaddressing specific policy issues and processes, but also more broadly focusedcommunications work of policy makers, policy advocates and various mediaprofessionals.
The Communication University of China (CUC)
As one of the"211" Project key universities directly under the Ministry ofEducation of China, the Communication University of China has trained, since itwas founded over 60 years ago, numerous high-leveled personnel for the Chinesemedia industry, and made a significant contribution to the nation’s mediabusiness and economy. CUC has been honored as a “cradle of the nation’sbroadcasting and television talents” and “a university noted in information andcommunication field in China”.
Website ofCUC: http://www.cuc.edu.cn/en2/cuc.htm
Conference Secretariat and Contact Person
Dr. Luo Xue.
AfricaCommunication Research Centre (ACRC)
Institute ofCommunication Studies
Faculty ofJournalism and Communication
CommunicationUniversity of China (CUC)
Bldg.No.42, No.1 East Street, Dingfuzhuang Chaoyang District, Beijing 100024, P.R.China
Tel: +086 10 65783690 Fax: +086 10 65783689 Email: xueluo@cuc.edu.cn